Making planets out of simple materials
Grade: First grade of Elementary
next project concerning Space would be to make our solar system, using simple
materials, such us newspaper, balloon, paints and white glue through a
technique called: papier macher. After studying thoroughly each planet through
books and videos and talking about its shape, size in relation to Earth and
distance from the Sun, we started working: first we cut the newspaper sheets
into stripes, we blew the balloon, so it would have the proper size and shape,
we soaked the stripes into the glue and put them onto the balloon. Once dried,
we broke the balloon, and painted each planet, trying to look like the real
one! Through this activity, which took up much of our time for many days, the
children were able to practice their minor skill ability, to improve co–operation
and communication skills and, of course, they learned so much about our solar
system through the most experiential manner!
involved: Arts, Science